"The Rise After Helene" is a poignant and gripping song that tells the story of the devastation left in the wake of the storm. It paints a vivid picture of the lives disrupted by nature’s fury, capturing the heartache of lost homes, communities torn apart, and the resilience of those left to pick up the pieces. With haunting lyrics and somber tones, the song explores the human toll of the disaster—how people cope with the overwhelming destruction, yet find strength in the face of adversity. It’s a tribute to the courage of survivors and a reminder of the harsh realities of nature’s power.
The rains fell from the skies, dark and wide,
Helene’s force came hard, like a roaring tide.
Mountains trembled, rivers broke their chains,
Washing away many lives, like tears in the rain.
The storm's fierce rage, a relentless tide,
Yet the baby’s cry cuts through rivers wide,
A desperate echo in the drenched night air,
A mother's love, in the midst of despair.
Amidst the chaos, the flood's dark spree,
There's a flicker of hope, a plea to be free.
Through the rising waters, the world seems to bend,
But love remains steadfast, a message to send.
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