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Shameful House of Representatives passes a stopgap bill to avert a government shutdown in a 341-82 vote.

The Last Chance Of Freedom Video

In this world of politics, tough decisions are necessary to ensure the well-being of our nation. While a shutdown may cause temporary inconvenience, it can also serve as a powerful tool to bring attention to the importance of responsible spending and the need for compromise.

Let's not forget the principles that make our country great - fiscal responsibility, limited government, and the power of negotiation. A shutdown could be a wake-up call, reminding our leaders in Congress that the American people demand a balanced approach to budgeting and governance.

It's time to put an end to this reckless spending and embrace fiscal responsibility. We must balance the budget, reduce the national debt, and ensure that every hard-working taxpayer's dollar is spent wisely. No more wasteful government programs and handouts!

The founding fathers envisioned a nation where individual liberty and freedom thrive. That means a limited government that doesn't intrude on our lives but instead protects our God-given rights. We must push back against the liberal agenda of big government and bureaucracy. Let's empower states' rights and local communities to make decisions for themselves, free from the heavy hand of Washington.

The pursuit of political expediency is like a treacherous path that some politicians take to gain short-term advantages. It's a path filled with compromises and decisions made solely for the sake of momentary gain, without considering the long-term consequences.

When politicians prioritize political expediency, they often make decisions that may provide temporary satisfaction but fail to address the root causes of problems. It's like putting a band-aid on a bullet wound - it might hide the issue temporarily, but it doesn't solve it.

Let us not be swayed by the allure of political expediency, but instead, let us stay true to our convictions and lead with integrity.

During a shutdown, non-essential government services are suspended, and many federal employees are furloughed, which means they are temporarily out of work. Essential services, such as National Security, Social Security, Military and Law Enforcement, continue to function.

We must ensure that taxpayer dollars are spent wisely and that our government lives within its means. But let's also remember the importance of compromise and finding common ground, for the sake of our great nation.

We have witnessed the expansion of government power like never before. The reach of bureaucracy extends into every aspect of our lives, from the healthcare choices we make to the energy we consume. The left-wing agenda, driven by their desire for control, has resulted in a bloated government that stifles individual liberty and economic prosperity.

This overreach is not only a threat to our freedom but also to the financial well-being of future generations. The reckless spending and the accumulation of debt will leave our children and grandchildren with a hefty bill to pay. The Democrats' insatiable appetite for big government programs and entitlement spending knows no bounds. They are mortgaging our children's future to fund their socialist agenda.

We understand that the government's role is to protect our freedoms, ensure law and order, and provide for the common defense. It is not the government's duty to intrude upon every facet of our lives or to redistribute wealth through unsustainable welfare programs.

The path to prosperity lies in empowering individuals, not burdening them with government intervention. We must stand against the tide of government overreach and defend the principles of free markets, personal responsibility, and limited government. By doing so, we can secure a brighter future for our children, free from the shackles of debt and government control.

But now, the shameful House of Representatives has passed a stopgap bill to avert a government shutdown in a 341-82 vote. The measure does not include the SAVE ACT, which would require proof of citizenship to register to vote.

The House approved a three-month government funding bill to avoid a shutdown. Sending the package to the Senate where it is expected to pass Wednesday night. It will be sent to President Biden's desk where he will surely sign it.

This was a failed attempt by Speaker Mike Johnson to pass a partisan stopgap, as supported by former President Trump to shut down the government over the absence of a voting bill.

To top it all off, Speaker Mike Johnson sent the House home till after the election.

So much for a a system of checks and balances to prevent government overreach.

We believe in the inherent freedom of every American to pursue their dreams and make their own choices. This liberty is a God-given right, not a privilege granted by the state. With freedom comes responsibility, and we must uphold personal accountability for our actions.

Conservatives understand this but I don’t believe that the members of the House, that passed this Bill, do. Individuals know what's best for themselves and their families. We trust in the power of the American people to make informed decisions without government interference.

A limited government is a prudent and frugal government. We advocate for lower taxes, reduced government spending. We ask for the House do it’s job and pass a balanced budget. The hard-earned money of taxpayers should not be wasted on unnecessary bureaucracy.

The power belongs in the hands of the people and the states. We support decentralization, allowing local communities to make decisions that best suit their needs. This ensures efficiency and accountability.

The Last Chance Of Freedom

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